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This page provides a regularly updated summary of the progress of the proposals for dredging in the East Channel. More detail is available elsewhere on the site.

In summary
Positive Government Views have to date been received covering seven out of eight dredging applications submitted at the end of the 1990s. The application for Area 477 has now been discontinued. Members of the ECA have committed to undertake a comprehensive monitoring programme in order to understand and control the potential cumulative impacts of their work in the region. The scene was set with a Regional Environmental Assessment in 2003, which was followed by comprehensive baseline monitoring surveys during 2005. Monitoring has occurred annually, reports of which can be accessed in our library.

Most recently, the ECA have completed the First Regional Monitoring Review (RMR I) that that considers the results of monitoring to date and discussed the current understanding of impacts that have occurred in the first 5 years of dredging in the ECR.

1999 - Dredging applications submitted
2002 - East Channel Association formed
2003 - ECA publishes Regional Environmental Assessment
2005 - Baseline monitoring surveys undertake
2005 - Analysis of baseline samples and data continues
2006 - First Government Views received
2006 - (end) Dredging began

2011 - Publication of First Regional Monitoring Review (RMR I)

Dredging Activity
Extraction in the region began in autumn 2006. Some dredging activity has occurred to date on all permission areas with the exception of 474 West and 474 East.

Applications status
This table shows the status of the different applications for dredging in the East Channel Region.

Area Operator(s) Size km2 Government View Dredging
478 DEME Building Materials 25.3 Positive Autumn 08
473 East & West Hanson Aggregates Marine & CEMEX UK Marine 12.0 Positive Autumn 06
474 East, West & Central Hanson Aggregates Marine 11.9 Positive Autumn 06
464-2 & 458 United Marine Dredging & CEMEX UK Marine 26.1 Positive Autumn 07
475 Hanson Aggregates Marine 16.1 Positive Spring 07
461 Volker Dredging 8.9 Positive Autumn 06

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Active Zone Charts
These latest charts can be viewed in the Library section.