The UK needs new sources of aggregates if we are to sustain our
current lifestyles and provide for the needs of future generations.
Marine sand and gravel is an important part of a mix that
also includes land-based aggregates plus ever increasing use of recycled
and secondary materials.
With its existing dredging licences now depleted,
the marine aggregate industry has developed new licences in
the deeper waters of the eastern English Channel. The aim of this website
is to keep all interested stakeholders up to date with progress in the
permission and development stages and to provide access to environmental
Why do ECA members need to
extract aggregate from the eastern English Channel? And how are we
proposing to satisfy that need?
more... |
NEW The library has recently been updated with the second Regional Monitoring Review (RMR II). The RMR II is a review of the last five years of dredging and monitoring and provides further opportunity to compare the predictions of the REA with the results of monitoring.
NEW The ECA will be holding an East Channel Environmental Network (ECEN) meeting in 2016. The purpose of the meeting is to present the findings of regional environmental monitoring and the second Regional Monitoring Review, and to invite comment and discussion over dredging operations and future plans. If you would like to attend the 2016 ECEN meeting please email [email protected] for details.